Pink Mentor Network

What’s up, Pink Mentor Network. Here’s a special deal just for you. It’s only $50/month for a flex membership at one of our locations for the first month. Give it a try and if you find a home with us it’s only $124/month moving forward. Here’s what that means:

  • 24/7 access to our secure locations to work in our open space
  • 5 hours of free meeting space each month
  • Access to our entire #hyggefam via slack
  • Free parking
  • Free delicious, local coffee
  • The ability to hang out with some pretty cool people – like us.

Wanna sign up for a tour and see what we’re all about? The button is below. Easy.


Yes. All fees for internet, and utilities are included in your membership.

Great question! Here are some of the things we’re doing and requiring while the global pandemic is still a concern:

  • Members are limited to one location to mitigate any spread.
  • Masks are required at all times in all common areas. They may be removed in offices and meeting spaces if members are comfortable.
  • The hygge team is sanitizing the space throughout the day.
  • A cleaning crew comes to clean all spaces nightly.
  • There is sanitizing spray in all meeting rooms, phone booths and the podcast studio as well as on every table in the open space. We ask everyone to sanitize before and after using.

It’s a coworking space, which means there’s going to be conversation and people are used to it. With that said, long business calls or more personal calls can be distracting and are best suited for one of the phone rooms or meeting rooms.

Anyone can use our podcast studio. For more details on that process, click here.