Our lives as individuals, families, and entrepreneurs have changed drastically in the last month. We find ourselves in uncharted territory, making it up as we go. And the whole thing can feel pretty darn lonely, even though everyone we know is going through it.
This discussion will feature four panelists with businesses who have been drastically affected by COVID-19. Some have had to pivot online, some have had to shut down completely, and all are seeing serious financial ramifications. This conversation will be an open conversation: ask them what you’d like. Let’s talk about how we get through this – together.
The Format:
This will be a 40 minute zoom call where all viewers will be asked to mute themselves at the beginning. Submit questions ahead of time by emailing alyssa@wearehygge.com. For 30 minutes, we’ll discuss those questions with our four panelists. For the last 10 minutes, viewers will be able to use the chat to ask other questions that have come up during the discussion. The link to the zoom meeting will be sent out the morning of April 10. In order to receive the zoom link, please register for free here.
The Panelists:
Kristi Martin – The owner of FEAST Food Tours and Culinary Events, Kristi’s business thrives on in-person community tours and restaurant interactions. With the closure of many restaurants and the statewide stay-at-home order, her business has suffered. She has pivoted to an online model, but isn’t able to offer the number of experiences they were once thriving on. To boot, Kristi is immunocompromised as a cancer survivor. For the past year, Kristi has been recovering from a blood transfusion that saved her life.
Kevin Pratt – Kevin’s the Associate General Counsel at Movement Mortgage and the former owner of CoLaw, which was a lawyer coworking company (of sorts). He also runs The Human Lawyer podcast, which features lawyers’ human stories. Ask him all of your small business legal questions during the panel related to the latest small business loans and anything else that’s on your mind.
Garrett Tichy – Wearer of many hats, Garrett is the owner of hygge coworking, the co-owner of That’s Novel Books and the co-founder of Support Local Or Else. hygge coworking has completely shuttered the doors to its 5 locations across Charlotte since mid-March in an effort to encourage people to stay home and limit the spread of COVID-19. In an effort to highlight other local businesses being affected financially during this time, he and Black Wednesday Owner Corri Smith created supportlocalorelse.com, a website showcasing local business deals in Charlotte, Raleigh and Durham for consumers to support. He’s also recorded 10 minute conversations with 26 business owners asking how they’re coping at this time as a part of the SLOE movement.
Quintel Gwinn – Quin is a local interior designer who’s needing to find other ways to engage with her audience as less people interact with outside spaces over the next few weeks. Her business, Quin Gwinn Studio, has been hit hard with many projects being postponed, and she’s had to pull back on launching her online shop. She’s been looking on the bright side, though, by developing online trainings and workshops for folks to engage with over the next several weeks.