zero to ten with bill wormley

Bill Wormley is one of our newest members at our hygge location, and he’s quickly become a ray of light and fun at that location.

Bill moved to Charlotte about a year ago to be closer to some of his children and grandchildren who live in the area and took on operating a new branch of his company’s life insurance company.

He doesn’t pretend that his job isn’t just a bit strange… after all, most people don’t jump at the chance to talk about death. But Bill approaches his business with unmatched positivity. In fact, he told us that after most of his seminars, people approach him complimenting how fun it all ways, which he finds ironic.

We’re not so surprised, though. Bill has a kind, warm and calming presence. When you chat with him, you can’t help but leaving the conversation in a great mood. It makes total sense that he’s his company’s chaplain as well, providing support to his 40+ agents that work along the east coast when they find themselves in tough times.

In this episode, we get big doses of Bill’s positivity, including a challenge to list out everything we’re grateful for as a reminder of everything we have. But we also hear about Bill’s move to Charlotte, job opportunities he has open with his company and more.

Listen to it above or search for Zero to Ten wherever you like to listen to podcasts.

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