Zero to Ten with DemocracyNC
Our podcast, Zero to Ten, is back! We took a bit of a hiatus during the pandemic and we had some changes, like saying goodbye to our host Mary Johnson, who is focusing on her incredible Brave New Word business, but we are so excited to talk with Kamaria E. Lawrence and Angel Butler from DemocracyNC about this year’s election, registering to vote and what to expect at the polls.
In addition to talking about the importance of voting, Kamaria and Angel also break down what we can expect on the ballot this year, including some early voting, absentee voting and poll voting tips and tricks. This 20 minute episode is jam packed with important information, so give it a listen on your lunch break, while driving around or during your workout today.
As you listen, here are some important links:
Register to vote by mail by visiting:
Find your voting precinct and see who’s on your ballot:
make it official.
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day passes.
Visiting from out of town or need an escape for just one day? Come hang with us. It’s only $30