Zero to Ten with Gerard Littlejohn
If ya missed it, our Zero to Ten podcast is back and we are so pumped ????
This week you’ll get to hear from Gerard Littlejohn, easily one of the coolest guys we know. Gerard is insanely kind and compassionate and is basically helping to change the Charlotte community in a million different ways. He does this mostly through his role at the Steve Smith Foundation. In this particular episode, we wanted to hear more from him on education in Charlotte because that’s been on a lot of our minds for the past few months as schools have grappled with inviting kids back in person or doing virtual learning. When virtual learning became a reality for Charlotte, many people asked what would happen to kids who didn’t have wifi, food at home or safe home environments in general. No one had answers, so Gerard stepped in and created partnerships with a bunch of local organizations to offer an in-person learning space for at-risk kids in the city.
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