Zero to Ten with Varian Shrum
During a year when a lot of businesses and developments put all their plans on hold to see what would happen with the global pandemic, Charlotte’s Camp North End continued to grow. During the stay-at-home order last year construction trudged on at the 76-acre industrial park while small businesses and restaurants worked quietly behind the scenes to open once the world got moving again.
We’ve had a hygge coworking location at Camp North End for several years now and can attest to the incredible changes the site has undergone since we first opened our doors there. Community manager Varian Shrum tells us that in 2020 alone, 13 different food, beverage and retail shops opened up.
“It’s not lost on me or my team or the whole camp fam that in a year when so many businesses were struggling and closing, that we actually opened 13,” she says. “We don’t take that for granted. In some ways it was a challenge because obviously Covid presented challenges in how we interact with businesses and open space, but it was also an opportunity because we have so much outdoor space.”
And Varian and her team are just getting started. They are only about four years into a 20 year project and recently entered Phase 2 of it all. On this Zero to Ten episode we get the scoop on what’s coming next – and Varian also tells us which historical figure she’d give a wedgie to. Ya know, all the important, professional stuff we know you love.
Give it a listen below.
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