Happy birthday to us…. that’s right, we’re turning 4 years old this October, and we’re #GratefulAF.
Have you ever wanted to come by a Zero Day but can’t because you’re working? We feel ya – so join us at hygge jay street in the Not Just Coffee area for our second ever Zero Night. This one’s a particularly special one for us. We’re celebrating 4 years in Charlotte, the successful opening of our 5th location this year, and incredible partnerships we have with the local community. And yes, everyone’s invited, including you.
There will be desserts, beer, wine, tons of cool people and maybe a few t-shirts we’ll be giving away, too.
We’ve got an impressive line up of 6 people – 3 hygge fam and 3 people from the Charlotte community – to give a 10 minute talk on, well, anything they want. We don’t even know, but that’s the point. The whole point of Zero Night is to open yourself up to learning something new, even if you don’t know about what that is ahead of time. Stay tuned – we’ll be announcing speakers soon!
Look at it as a chance to get to know us – a first date, if you will. If you want to say hello to anyone on the team, look for us. We’ll be the ones wearing yellow roses ????
Wanna come? Let us know you’ll be joining us so we can order lots of food by RSVPing here.