zero to ten with dylan smith

We had the honor of sitting down with small business owner Dylan Smith before the holidays to talk about the next big step in his business: opening a retail shop at Camp North End.

Dylan has been cultivating and growing his boutique streetwear brand, Current Nostalgia, since 2020, but his passion for fashion (sorry, we had to) goes beyond that to his childhood. He grew up with a brother four years his senior who loved the streetwear scene and got him interested in different brands and styles. As he got older, he began to save and purchase his own clothing, taking the time to curate his personal collection and define his sense of style.

What started as a passion quickly grew into a lucrative business. Dylan spends his time keeping a pulse on the streetwear fashion scene, researching future drops and purchasing exclusive items for resell.

It’s an interesting business which thrives on cutting edge fashion – which is often 3 to 5 years ahead of current trends, Smith told us – and the exclusivity of items. “After a while you get instincts to figure out what you’re going after,” he says.

On the podcast we learn more about what streetwear is, we get some insight into his retail space (which is now open at Camp North End) and we learn about his faithful pup and sidekick, Haarley.

Listen to the full episode above or search for our podcast Zero to Ten wherever you like to listen.

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