Zero to Ten with Janine Davis
Maybe you know her – or at least her radio perfect voice – as JD The Diva on 1019 FM throughout the week. Or maybe you are one of hundreds of girls she’s touched through Girl Talk Foundation Inc., a local nonprofit that offers character building programs for girls 11-16 that focus on self-awareness, self-management and social competence. Or maybe, just maybe, this is your first introduction to Janine Davis.
Either way, you’re in for a treat.
Janine is one of those people who makes you feel alive the moment she walks into a room. She’s got a fun energy that radiates from her and immediately captivates you. So it’s surprising to learn she started out as a young girl who was so painfully shy she actually dropped out of kindergarten.
A great word to associate with Janine might be gumption. That’s what got her through her shy period as a young girl, and that’s what kept her going when her college’s radio program director told her she’d never be a radio host because she sounded like “Minnie Mouse.”
We touch on a lot of topics on this week’s episode of Zero to Ten. Janine talks about what it’s like to overcome challenges as a young woman, her path to finding her passion in radio, founding a nonprofit totally by happenstance after hosting an informal chat with a few hundred girls in the Charlotte area, and so much more.
You can listen in on the episode above, and also check out the incredible work Girl Talk Foundation does by visiting their website here.
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