zero to ten with jessica lackey

World, meet Jessica Lackey, an expert in all things business operations and strategy and one of the smartest people we know. Jessica’s been a member for a few years now and she’s continually dropping nuggets of knowledge for us that blow our minds, so it was about time we invited her on to Zero to Ten.

Jessica runs Jessica Lackey Consulting, where she focuses on helping solo entrepreneurs and small teams with their operations and infrastructure. This includes everything from taking a look at pricing and profit and revenue structure to process documentation and helping folks set up internal operating systems.

It seems like a pretty niche market to get into, but Jessica has experience with working with larger brands (like Nike, nbd) and loves helping small business owners who might be happy with their current size but are looking to work more effectively and efficiently. She says she was seeing small business owners add team members and grow their businesses in a traditional way, only to hate it.

She’s felt the same way. She knows she could grow a larger agency and hire employees, but that would take her out of working directly with clients, which is what she loves.

“I can do good work with good people at the flexibility and client load that makes sense to me, make good money while I’m doing it and pursue growth and ambition in other ways,” she says.

You can learn more about Jessica by listening to her full interview above or by searching for Zero to Ten on your favorite podcast platform.

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