our community.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re big on the people, or what we call the #hyggefam. We wouldn’t be where we are today if our space wasn’t filled with awesome people, doing awesome things. we’re lucky.

Each month hygge has quite a few things happening for members and non-members alike. Scroll down to learn more.

what goes around comes around.

We like to say a coworking space is a lot like a gym – you get out of it exactly what you put into it. Our marketing director, Alyssa Pressler, experienced this first-hand. She joined as a member shortly after moving to Charlotte and started going to all the community events she could. She connected with clients for her freelance work as well as made close personal friends.

Coworking can be a place you go to get work done, or it can be that as well as a resource and extended family for you. The possibilities are endless, but one thing is true no matter what: we’re better together.

who is at hygge?

Below you’ll find the latest handful of features we’ve done on our hygge members.

zero day.

On the first Friday morning of every single month hygge’s members as well as friends from the community come together to share in a little time away from our day to day.

We all get together over breakfast pastries, good coffee and a series of 10-minute talks from six members who have the floor to do whatever they want. Some perform, some practice business pitches, some share a hobby, and all of them have fun.

Want to participate? Send us an email to sayhello@wearehygge.com.

stay up to date.

Want to keep tabs on everything we’re doing? Online relationships are all the rage. Throw your email address in here and you can stalk us from afar ????

make it official.

You’ve made it this far. Just one more step. Hit the button below and fill out the form on the next page.

day passes.

Visiting from out of town or need an escape for just one day? Come hang with us. It’s only $20