Chloe is kind, laid back, and the type of person who after only mere minutes of talking with her you feel like you’re her best friend. It kind of makes her perfect for her role with hygge, which involves meeting a ton of new people every single day and also managing the current member base, which by default kind of view her as the point person for all hygge questions after joining.
Truly, it’s a tough job. I say this as someone who held it for a few months when she first joined the team and will totally admit I couldn’t hack it. But Chloe somehow manages to handle every day of it with poise, grace and a huge smile on her face. We’re lucky to have her.
But we’re going a little deeper on the podcast with Chloe, talking about her team nickname, her extensive coffee knowledge and her favorite Target find (Chloe is a genius for finding great Target things – trust us, you want these recommendations).
Listen to the whole thing above or find Zero to Ten wherever you like to listen to your podcasts.