zero to ten with Martina McAtee, aka Onley James
I say it all the time: “I think this is my favorite podcast interview ever.” But I really mean it this time, because I, Alyssa Pressler, a book nerd, got to geek out with a fellow book nerd and published gay romance author.
Martina McAtee joined the hygge fam just last month after moving to Charlotte, and just one day after joining shared her incredible story at Zero Day, our monthly community event. It was an incredible talk, during which she told us about struggling for years as a part-time writer and full-time nurse, wondering if she was wasting her time, and then deciding she was going to be a big author, writing herself a $1 million check she promised herself she’d cash one day.
Then, one of her book series really took off, particularly on Book Tok (the section of Tik Tok where book nerds talk… well, books). She was catapulted into minor fame and is very, very close to hitting her goal of cashing that $1 million check.