Press Release: Charlotte-based coworking space, hygge, joins COhatch as they work together to create impact across the Southeast

Charlotte-based coworking space, hygge, joins COhatch as they work together to create impact across the Southeast

COhatch adds five hygge locations in this expansion to create a one-of-a-kind community that supports locally owned coworking spaces with additional resources.

COLUMBUS, OHIO, March 14, 2023 – COhatch,a rapidly growing, community-driven company with a new approach to shared work and social space, welcomes hygge, Charlotte’s longest standing coworking and community space, as part of the COhatch community as the innovative workspace continues to grow outside of the Midwest, into Southeastern cities including Charlotte, Atlanta, and Raleigh-Durham.

“I reached out to Matt because I was curious about a press release that mentioned Charlotte on COhatch’s list of expansion cities,” said Garrett. “I was feeling stuck from a growth standpoint and wanted to better understand how COhatch was able to use their resources to expand into this market. From my research prior to reaching out to Matt, I realized that COhatch at its core was very similar to hygge. COhatch cares deeply about its members and the communities it inhabits. I was really impressed and interested in seeing if we could come together to create a bigger impact among our members.”

hygge locations will continue to operate as they are today, but members will now receive access to all COhatch locations and amenities, resources including COhatch+, the company’s digital platform, and Impact Scholarships that allow local startups and nonprofits to apply for free access to COhatch and hygge spaces. Some cosmetic renovations to hygge locations will accompany the partnership, yet the personality of all locations will stay distinctively hygge.

“Initially, when Garrett reached out to me via LinkedIn about joining COhatch, I was apprehensive,” said Matt Davis, co-founder and CEO of COhatch. “But after a few conversations and getting to know Garrett and his team, I was really impressed with what they’ve built in Charlotte, including their future vision of keeping the community local and member-focused. Garrett and his team were able to build something at a similar time as we did at COhatch and have been successful at creating an engaged community with a very small team, too. We see hygge as an opportunity to align with local people who share the same goals and vision for growing a community that stays true to the city and neighborhoods we’re in. With their help, I think we can take the impact we would both make in Charlotte and create even more opportunities together.”

Along with bridging resources and communities, Garrett will become a part of COhatch’s national expansion leadership team, with a primary focus on the company’s North Carolina and Georgia markets.

“hygge will continue to operate as their own brand because we want to honor what they’ve established, which is an incredible culture and community that Charlotte has long known and loved,” said Davis. “Just like the buildings we restore, we want to ensure the communities that we’re expanding into stay intact and help them to create more impact in the areas of work and life. By connecting our communities, we are able to add value to hygge’s brand with our resources and build COhatch’s network in a market where hygge is already a leader.”

“So much of what COhatch is are things that I’ve dreamed about with my team but never had the resources to execute,” said Garrett. “That changes now. COhatch is a company full of incredible people that I feel lucky to join in building a stronger, well connected community across Charlotte and beyond.”

COhatch plans to add up to 10 other sites in the Charlotte area to provide hygge and COhatch members with convenient ways to work, meet, and live regardless of where they are located in the city.

About COhatch 

COhatch, a new kind of shared work, social, and family space built on community, offers members the services, activities and amenities to live a fully integrated life that balances work, family, well-being, community and giving back. Founded in 2016, COhatch was created through the collaboration of a group of friends who wanted to live out their ideal lives and improve their community   ̶think Town Hall 2.0. COhatch has 34 locations open or under construction nationwide in Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Springfield, Ohio; Indianapolis, Indiana; Tampa Bay, Florida; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and coming soon to Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte, North Carolina; Atlanta, Georgia; Nashville, Tennessee; and Orlando, Florida. Visitwww.cohatch.comfor more information. Follow COhatch on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn.  

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